How to List Your Book on Amazon
As soon as you receive your ISBN number, you can log in to your Amazon Seller account and add a new product listing using your ISBN number. It is not necessary to register your ISBN number on Nielsen’s book database (although you can if you want to).
Steps for listing your book on Amazon:
1. Log into your Amazon Seller Account, and click on “Add a Product”.
2. Enter the ISBN number (without the spaces) into the “Search Amazon Catalogue” box, e.g. 9781788085946, and click “Search”.
3. You should see a message like “We could not find any products for 9781788085946”. This message means that your ISBN number can be used to list a new product on Amazon (i.e. it is not already being used in Amazon’s system on a different product).
4. Click “Create a new product listing”.
5. Select the right Category (e.g. Books > Fiction > Adventure Stories).
6. On the “VITAL INFO” page: Fill in the name of the Author (and any other contributors); type the ISBN number into the “Product ID” section (e.g. 9781788085946) and select “ISBN”; enter the title; select the binding/format (e.g. paperback); enter the publication date.
7. For Manufacturers, type “Independent Publishing Network”.
8. On the “OFFER” page, enter the Price, the Quantity available for sale, and the Condition (e.g. New). The “Seller SKU” can be left blank. Click “Save and Finish”.
9. Wait 15 minutes and refresh the page. Your book should now be listed on Amazon and available for sale (new book listings are usually approved by Amazon and made public within 15 minutes).
Watch the video below for a quick demonstration:
Occasionally some Amazon Sellers receive an error message when they try to create a new product listing. A common error message is: “You are using UPCs, EANs, ISBNs, ASINs, or JAN codes that do not match the products you are trying to list” (error 8572). It seems that this error message pops up when the product title/details/brand is already in Amazon’s system and is linked to a different EAN/ISBN number. Amazon wants to avoid having exactly the same product listed multiple times on their site, using different barcode numbers for each listing. For more information, see Seller Central Help (they say: “Creating a new ASIN when the same product already exists in Amazon’s catalogue is prohibited”) and page 19 of Amazon’s PDF “How to Solve Common Feed Errors“.
If you have received this error message or a different error message, please contact Amazon Seller Support and ask them why you’ve received this error message & what can be done to resolve the issue. Sometimes there are random back-end errors that Amazon needs to fix before you are able to list your book on their site. Alternatively, you can try editing your listing details a bit (e.g. changing the title by adding “paperback novel” to the end of it or changing the book category you’re listing in) and see if that works. Alternatively, you can cancel or delete the partially completed new product listing & try a second time to list the product. If that doesn’t work, another thing you could do is create a new Seller Account and list the product again (under your new account), as this sometimes works.